Things I Like About Me


We all experience moments of self-doubt and uncertainty. Even the most confident and happy people have moments where they think, “I’m such a failure.”

It’s a part of being human. However, if you find yourself having these kinds of negative thoughts frequently or letting these feelings get in the way of living a healthy and happy life, it may be time to do something about it.

Luckily, there are many ways to increase your sense of self-worth. It probably won’t be easy, but it can certainly be done.

There are many factors that can contribute to low self-esteem. Everyone doesn't experience the same things that lead to it. Some may not like their looks, while others may not care for the way they act, or a combination of the two. Some may have low self-esteem because they have a poor body image, physical abuse, sexual abuse, or even verbal abuse--where you are constantly told that you are worthless or not capable of doing things.

Living in an atmosphere where you are consistently criticized, abused, or berated, will most likely leave you feeling emotionally distraught, thus leading you to have low self-esteem and a poor self-image. It's more than what takes place at home. A poor self-esteem can definitely be influenced by what goes on in school, after school activities, or even church.


The video above touches my heart deeply. I watched it over and over and received the same reaction...tears! This beautiful girl thinks she's ugly. I have no idea why she made such a statement. Has she heard it before? What do you think? Leave your comments below. When completing the assignments, think deeply about your responses.

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