Students will explore the term self-image and how it is connected to self-esteem.


Excerpt from My TESStimony pp.63, 64:

Beauty is skin deep—I know we have heard it before. I believe that I am a beautiful person inside and out, but there’s so much more to me than my appearance. There are beautiful men and women everywhere, but personally, it doesn’t mean anything to me. If you adore, appreciate, and feel good about yourself, you will feel more self-assured about facing and interrelating with other people in the world. What about you? Have you looked in the mirror and forgotten your true image based on how others perceive you? A misconstrued image of one’s self is the cause of poor self-esteem, fear, self-doubt, and negative thinking. Those who have successfully defeated rejection embrace a healthy self-image, while the unsuccessful remain trapped by the warped image of who others wish them to become. How you view yourself will ultimately decide how you live your life.

Discovering the real you can be challenging and daunting. Masks are formed to hide who we really are, and the cycle continues. I challenge you today to find the beauty within yourself and to know who you are. Accept the way God made you and live for Him. Adopting someone else’s personality or habits is demeaning of what God has created. You can only be the best YOU! Why emulate others because of what they have? Stand out and BE YOU! Look in the mirror each morning and speak positive words into your life. Learn to love yourself and thank God daily for creating you.

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